Total of 18642 firms and businesses for sale today Thursday 13th February 2025
Time to Sell or Time to Buy !

Enter Your Business For Sale Details

Business Details  By filling in as much information as possible you increase your chances of gaining the interest of buyers
and the number of responses you receive.

Please Note  All fields marked with "*" are required to provide a basic profile and we ask you NOT to use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS in your details to improve readability. You may use commas in the numeric fields to make it easier to enter large numbers.

Your reference
Your website
Business sector
Secondary sector
Commercial property
Business opportunity
Business summary
Business website
Photograph (jpg, max 4Mb, will be resized)
Asking price (select band or set value)
Band  Value 
Turnover/revenue (select band or set value)
Band  Value 
Net profit/cashflow (select band or set value)
Band  Value 
Are furniture, fixtures & fittings included
Yes   No Value 
Is inventory/stock included
Yes   No Value 
Describe any finance options available
Is the business closed or an asset sale Yes   No
Is the business relocatable Yes   No
Is the business home-based Yes   No
Is the business web-based Yes   No
Is the business a franchise Yes   No
Describe the franchise terms
Property status Freehold   Leasehold   Not Applicable
Length of lease (years)
Length of lease remaining (years)
Describe the lease terms
Property rent (per annum)
Is there living accommodation Yes   No
Describe the living accommodation
Describe the location
Describe the business competition
Describe the potential for expansion
Years the business has been established
Number of employees
Describe the employees or staffing
Trading hours
Describe any support or training offered
Reason for selling
Please answer the following question *  What is 5 + 7