Total of 18642 firms and businesses for sale today Wednesday 12th February 2025
Time to Sell or Time to Buy !

Frequently Asked Questions

How much will it cost me to list my business for sale?
It will cost you from only £50 to list your business for sale and it will remain listed until it is sold. We charge no further commission or fees and you receive all enquiries directly and confidentially by email.

How do I load my first business listing?
If you are not a registered broker or user, click the Sell Your Business tab and follow the instructions to display the Business For Sale form: enter the business details followed by your name and email address.
How do I register as a broker?
To register as a broker, click the Brokers & Agents tab and follow the instructions to submit your details. Once registered, either click the Sell Your Business tab as above or login to view the My Listings table and then click Add New For Sale at the top-right of the table. Enter the listing details in the form; you may follow this with further listings.
How do I see listings in my account?
Login to your account. The My Listings tab shows lists all your current business listings. If you are a registered broker the Broker Listings tab shows all listings loaded by your authorised users. 
How quickly can I list my business for on Firms for Sale?
For registered brokers and agents the listing is publicly available immediately. For new vendors it will be publicly available after a day or so to ensure it conforms to our policies.

There is a business that I am interested in, how can I contact the seller?
Select or view the business of interest and click Contact Seller at the top-right of the details: enter your email address or phone number and any comments or questions for the vendor or agent handling the sale of the business. Your query will be emailed immediately to the vendor who will respond within a couple of days.

I have forgotten my username and/or password.
Your username is always your email address. If you have forgotten your password go to the login page, enter your email address and click Forgotten Password: you will be sent an email enabling you to reset it immediately.
If you need further help.
Press the 24/7 Help/Support link at the top-right of the page and email us your question. We will get back as soon as we can.